Art Scanning
One of the features of the RDIC's Cruse Scanner is the texture option. Artwork can be scanned with a raking light to bring out the texture of the paint and the canvas. The images below demonstrate the differences between choosing normal light and raking light.
Portrait of
architect William L. Price Francis Day, 1902. Permanent loan of Felicia Janney Mather and Eleanore Morris Potter. The Athenaeum of Philadelphia. |
Scan 1 Normal Light |
Scan 2 Raking Light Areas of heavy paint application are noticeable. Brush strokes are more pronounced. The texture of the canvas is visible. |
Large Format Printing
The RDIC also offers printing services. Prints are produced with a Canon iPF 8300. Twelve LUCIA pigmented inks produce a wide color gamut and offer archival quality permanence.